Ro & Tasha

Ro and Tasha’s journey has been a beautiful one, filled with love and growth, and it only continues to blossom. This happy couple began as childhood sweethearts in Chicago, but as they grew, they followed different paths and built their own lives. After 15 years apart, Tasha found herself reminiscing about Ro and decided to reach out. Their connection was instant. Ro encouraged Tasha to leave Chicago and join him in Bloomington, Indiana. Together, they created a vibrant family life in a cozy three-bedroom townhouse, blending their children and welcoming a new baby, bringing their total to six kids.  

Although it was a tight squeeze, Ro and Tasha saw a meaningful purpose in this period of their lives. “It forced us to get closer and blend easily as a family. We all have a strong bond,” Tasha said. “It was a blessing,” Ro added.  

One day, Ro introduced Tasha to the Habitat program, as he had family living in a Habitat home. Tasha was astonished that such a program existed. “In Chicago, you can wait years and years to even get food stamps or Section 8 housing,” she explained. “To know there was a program like this where a home is built from scratch and the timeframe of it—I couldn’t believe it.” Despite her initial disbelief, this revelation sparked a new ambition for Ro and Tasha. They became determined to get involved with Habitat, hoping to have a place of their own where they can raise their children and future grandchildren. 

When Ro and Tasha first applied for the homeownership program, they faced a setback and did not qualify. “We took that denial seriously, and it pushed us to take the steps necessary to be in a better position financially so we could try again,” Tasha shared. Later on, Tasha spotted an advertisement for an informational meeting about the Habitat homeownership program, and she made it a priority to attend, no matter how busy her day was. “As I sat there taking notes, I remember writing in my journal, ‘We got this!’” Tasha recalled, filled with renewed determination. 

After navigating the application process once more, Ro and Tasha received a letter in the mail. When they opened it and discovered they had been accepted into the program, the reality of their dreams began to take shape. “The moment we read the letter out loud to our children, I could see the light in their faces,” Tasha said. “We all danced around, jumping for joy.” 

Along with providing much-needed space for their family of eight, this new house represents something far more significant for Ro and Tasha. Being part of this program offers a unique and special opportunity for their entire family, enriching their lives in ways they never imagined. “I didn’t ever foresee even having a home,” Tasha reflected. “Especially in Chicago, it was never realistic for me.” Now, they have a deep appreciation for how homeownership will positively impact their family for generations. “This program has helped us be able to have something to leave behind for our children, or their children, or however far down it goes,” she said. 

Ro and Tasha view this process as a powerful way to instill core values in their children and lead by example. “We wanted to show them to never give up on their dreams, even if you’ve been denied,” Tasha said. Alongside determination, they aim to teach their kids the importance of hard work. “Because of Habitat, my kids can now say that their parents helped build this house,” Ro shared. He plans to teach his sons essential skills like lawn care, gutter maintenance, and home repairs—lessons he isn’t able to teach while living in a rental. “When you’re in an apartment, you can’t fix things that break, but you have to in your own home. That’s something our kids should know how to do,” Ro explained. 

Just as Ro and Tasha have built a family grounded in love, their future home will be a reflection of that same love. Throughout the construction process, they have taken their children to the build site to witness the progress of their new home. During one of these early visits, their family had an idea: to place a family photo in the foundation of their future house. “We had this idea that our foundation should be built on love, family, and faith,” Ro explained. “Love is the foundation of everything,” he continued. “Now, it’s the foundation of our home, too. Anything built on that can be supported.”  

“That’s our story, and it just keeps getting better,” Tasha expressed.  


Ro & Tasha’s home is generously sponsored by the Baer family.