Because Of You 2023 Volunteer Appreciation Event

It takes a village to build community, and we are so very grateful for your volunteer support this year—for building with us, sharing your ideas and kindness, and being the backbone of the work that we do.

Volunteers have always been integral to our mission – the first ten years Habitat operated in Monroe County was solely by the support of volunteers. Since then, we’ve grown to the nearly 20-person staff we have today, but we still can’t do what we do without your passion, endless support, and willingness to go the extra mile.

Our Because of You event was held during National Volunteer Week. We celebrated the 805 individual people who volunteered nearly 15,000 hours with us this past year and presented special awards to some particularly outstanding humans.

With the support of volunteers like you, we can continue to build homes and create affordable homeownership opportunities in our community. Find out more at

Congratulations to our wonderful volunteers on their achievements!

President’s Volunteer Service Award Recipients (based on calendar year 2022)

Bronze (100-249 hours): Aldona Reid, Arlen Packard, Brenda Pendexter, Cathy Brown, David Joyce, Ethan Barrows, Glenn Anderson, Jie Zhu, Jim Powers, John Blair, John Davenport, Marci Becker, Mark Bauman, Ned Powell, Norma Landgraff, Pearl Springfield, Rebecca Ball, Ron Smith, Ted Wininger, and Thom Simmons

Silver (250-499 hours): Elizabeth Savich, John Bassett, John Duell, Steve Creech, Steve Layman, and Susan Smart

Gold (500+ hours): Ann Eskew, Darrell Gilmore, Don Wertz, John Partridge, and Mark Burket

Lifetime Achievement Award (4000+ lifetime hours): Darrell Gilmore, Don Wertz, John Partridge, and John Duell

Award Recipients

Volunteer of the Year/Jack of All Trades: Darrell Gilmore
Construction Teaching Award: Don Wertz
Habitat Rookie Crew Leader of the Year: Mike Zito
“Flying Under the Radar:” Ted Winninger

ReStore Volunteers of the Year: Brenda Pendexter and Rebecca Ball
Most ReSourceful: Bet Savich

Clarence Jordan Equity Builder Award: Norma Landgraff
“YES” Award (Your Extraordinary Service): Ann Eskew

HO Choice: John Partridge
Lifetime of Service: Jacque Kubley and Larry Kinder

Partners in Hope: Title Plus! and Iglesia Hisapana