
When Angelique first learned about the homeownership program at Habitat for Humanity of Monroe County, she felt a mix of apprehension and doubt. As a single mother of six who is balancing work and pursuing a nursing degree, she questioned whether she would qualify or be able to complete the program’s requirements. Yet, she held onto a significant goal she had set for herself years ago: to own a home and earn a degree by the time she turned 40. 

Approaching her 40th birthday, Angelique embraced the challenge of achieving both goals simultaneously by completing both nursing school and the Habitat homeownership program. “At first, I thought, ‘Do I really want to do this?’” she recalled. “But then I reminded myself, ‘It will be done by 40.’” Despite the hectic days and sleepless nights, Angelique remains motivated. “I have no idea how I am doing all of this, but I am doing it—me and God.” 

She describes this period of her life as her “bamboo season,” marked by rapid growth and transformation. Habitat is honored to support Angelique during this pivotal time as she works toward completing her nursing degree this December and moving into her new home in early 2025. “There’s something about turning 40 that makes you realize you just have to make things happen,” she says. 

Despite the demands of nursing school, the Habitat homeownership program, and her job at Evergreen Village, Angelique’s dedication to her children remains unwavering. When asked what she does for fun, Angelique’s response is always the same: “I spend time with my children.” While some people suggest that she should find activities for herself, Angelique sees her children as her best friends and looks forward to spending any free time with them. For Angelique, this journey is not just about achieving personal milestones but also about creating an environment where her children can thrive. 

For Angelique, finding stable housing has been difficult. “It’s not necessarily hard to find a place; it’s just finding a place where you can stay,” she explains. The assistance her family receives fluctuates, leading to frequent relocations that have been hard on her children, who must constantly adapt to new environments. “I’m always reminded that my place isn’t really mine,” she adds. In addition to the repeated moves, unscheduled maintenance visits and the inability to fully personalize their living spaces have kept her family from ever feeling truly at home. 

Currently, Angelique and her four children who live at home share a 3-bedroom apartment. The tight quarters have led to arguments among her daughters, who want to have areas of their own without sharing as much. In her new home, Angelique looks forward to providing her children with the space they need, allowing them to have more independence and the ability to individualize their rooms. Angelique is also excited about the chance to decorate the new house, envisioning a cozy fall theme with autumn red and wicker brown exteriors that reflect her favorite season.  

Although she was initially uncertain if Habitat was the right fit for her, Angelique’s experience with the program has truly restored her faith in humanity. “I’m just so appreciative,” she said, her voice warm with the gratitude she feels for the incredible support she’s seen from volunteers, sponsors, and staff who all work together to make affordable housing possible. “Everyone helps because they genuinely want to, not because they have to.” 

With the support of Whirlpool, which is sponsoring Angelique’s home through the BuildBetter program, and volunteers from the Kelley Institute for Social Impact (KISI), who will be assisting with construction on a blitz schedule this fall, Angelique’s dream is within reach. Habitat for Humanity’s BuildBetter with Whirlpool initiative has completed more than 260 energy-efficient and hazard-resilient homes across 31 U.S. states and 8 communities engaged in disaster recovery over the past three years. 

This program aims to deliver an average of 45% predicted energy cost savings per family (compared to code-built homes) and a 15% reduction in greenhouse gas emissions per home, benefiting hundreds of families in need of affordable housing, including Angelique and her family. Angelique’s story is a testament to empowerment and hope, and she is excited for the day her family will have a place to call their own—a place where they can finally feel at home while enjoying the long-term benefits of a greener, more energy-efficient house. 

As the BuildBetter program progresses, it presents an unprecedented opportunity to amplify its evolution. 


Angelique’s home is sponsored by the Whirlpool Corporation, in partnership with the Kelley School of Business.