You can be a homeowner! Habitat for Humanity of Monroe County can help.

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We will be accepting applications for our Homeownership Program from March 31 to April 11, 2025. Please note that no applications will be accepted after April 11, 2025, during this window.

Once you’re ready to submit your application, please schedule an appointment with our Homeowner Services Director, Mariluz, to complete your submission. Click here to book an appointment, or call 812-331-4069.

Through our Homeownership Program, we provide the coaching, education, and support to guide you through the home-buying journey. To be eligible for the Habitat Homeownership Program, applicants must have lived and/or worked in Monroe County for a minimum of one year. Additionally, applicants must demonstrate a need for housing, an ability to pay an affordable monthly mortgage, and a willingness to partner—a commitment we call “sweat equity.” As part of the Habitat homeownership process, it is a requirement that you and each member of your household over 18 years of age commit to completing 250 sweat equity volunteer hours.

These guidelines outline the basic criteria needed to qualify for our program. To apply:

  1. Read the program criteria
  2. Attend an information meeting
  3. Complete the application

To be eligible for our program during this application window, all applicants and co-applicants who will live in the home must have attended a Homeowner Information Meeting in the last year.

We recommend that you read the full program criteria.

We strongly encourage you to reach out to us with any questions you may have. Please contact the Homeowner Services Director, Mariluz, at [email protected] or call 812-331-4069.